Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Life in La Paz, Honduras by Chelsey
  After a good flight and shopping at Valle de Angeles we headed towards La Paz. There were some crazy drivers and lots of traffic so the trip took about 3 hours. Once we got to the house we settled in, ate some delicious Honduran pizza, and then headed to bed. This morning we had some pancakes and then headed to the church La Cosecha to build and paint the tables. The first injury of the trip occurred there when Mrs. Gibson hit my thumb with a hammer, but all the tables got done and look really good. Then we rode in the back of the pastors truck to El Feltro to play with the kids. They were all so precious, but it was quite a shock to see the conditions they lived in. Even though there was a little language issue we could still tell how sweet they are. Leaving was difficult, but we look forward to the rest of the week. For dinner we're gonna make some pupusas with a lady in La Paz and help her sell some. We all love and miss you guys!

By the way, my finger is ok :)

1 comment:

  1. Chelsey - So glad you arrived safely and that your trip is mostly going well. Sure hope your thumb is the last injury! Thanks for sharing your experiences & pics.Looks like you all did a wonderful job with the tables. I'm sure the people are so very happy that you are there. I'm praying for you and the rest of the group while you are helping the people of Honduras and that through everything, you bring glory to God. Love and prayers, Darlene
