Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Life in La Paz, Honduras by William

Today we went back to Cadin to do our big medical clinic. We saw about 150 people in about six hours. They came in with all types of ailments, from not as serious cases such as headaches to people with worms. We had four stations: triage, the pharmacy, foot washing, and the praying station.
These are all of the people waiting for a chance to see the doctors.
This was our pharmacy staff. I would not have trusted them with my life.
My job was to hand out things to children and pray for them. As you can see I had a lot of down time so I had to entertain myself somehow.
 This had to be the worst station to be at. It was the foot washing station. I give major props to the brave souls who volunteered to do this. Some of their feet looked pretty nasty.
Here was our brave triage team. They had to try and figure out what was wrong with everybody.
Here were our "bilingual" doctors.
This little girl was not very happy to have her temperature taken, but was happy to have her lollipop.

Finally, this was our group of workers that worked tirelessly through the day. This is our team song LISTEN.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of every team member! Cannot wait to see your faces once more here at home; I am sure that leaving will be a little bittersweet for you all;know that God's will is worldwide, and He will continue to bless the seeds you have planted!
    By the way ---this is Mrs. Cooper
