Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Life in La Paz, Honduras by Makayla
Today we went into Cane and San Sebastian to fix their water systems,but we had a few problems and had to wait. A typical day in Honduras,waiting and being flexible. This is us enjoying our time off and bonding :)
This is a place for children who have families, but their families cannot afford to take care of them or choose not to. This place is called Hogar de ninos. There are a lot of kids there and people that take care of them.

Next we went to a place that holds people who have special needs. This was a great experience for all of us. They just came up to you and hugged you. They just wanted to hang out and they loved hand sanitizers on their feet and hands!
Finally we went to a place where young girls have been abused or raped by their dads,step dads,or brothers. There are 12 girls there and the youngest girl is 13. They are all mothers and have babies. It was something we all won't forget. The mothers were shy and not sure what was going on. This place really touched us as a group.  

This is Chelsey playing with the little girl at the mothers home :) They were so sweet even if none of them could speak English!
This is our group picture at the mother/childern home:) They liked pictures! 
We got to play soccer with the moms at the home. They were really good, but we mixed up teams and we had fun trying to understand each other languages. After we left there we went  back to our house and ate dinner and prepared for a days work tomorrow! We love you guys and miss you!

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